The coronavirus COVID-19 has changed the way we live, but has it also paved the way for the beast and antichrist to come to power as described in Revelation?

In reference to the coronavirus pandemic, liberal Rahm Emanuel reprised Winston Churchill’s quote, “never let a crisis go to waste.” This made me wonder; could satan use this same manipulative mindset to advance the rise of the beast?

Power is Taken, not Given

Liberal activist Gloria Steinem once said, “Power can be taken, but not given.” This is how the progressives of the world think. They take power, pushing the envelope one step at a time until the unthinkable becomes the normal.

At the turn of the last century it must have been hard for Christian’s reading the Book of Revelation to understand how the beast and antichrist would be able to control so many aspects of their lives.

How could they imagine an image of the beast bringing death to those who fail to worship it? In what way could they see the antichrist being able to track people by a mark? How could they conceive of the antichrist controlling commerce so that only those with the mark could buy or sell?

Technology has answered some of these questions. We now know how someone could broadcast an image around the world and track how the viewer responds. We see how anyone not wearing a mark could be spotted under surveillance, even in their own home. It is even apparent to us how commerce could be completely electronic and require a mark to trade.

But the big question remains, how to you convince people to give up their freedom?

The coronavirus has given us a glimpse at how this can happen.

Has the Coronavirus Paved the Way for Surveillance under the Antichrist?

Coronavirus and antichrist surveillance
Image from Pixabay

We have all become comfortable with having Alexa and Siri listening to us and Ring monitoring each visitor at our front door. We are accustomed to Apple, Google and Waze tracking our every movement.

So did it surprise us that the government was using this data to track our movement for compliance with social distancing rules? Did anyone hear of public outrage? No.

“Once we surrender our liberties, power is easily taken.”

Was Gloria Steinem’s quote wrong? No. In countries like the U.S. we have liberties, but once we give up those liberties, power can be taken. We gave up our privacy for the sake of convenience and security and in doing so gave up some liberty.

This article from Forbes had an enlightening quote from a spokesperson for the U.K Information Commissioner’s Office. He said “data protection is not a barrier to sharing data—to protect against serious threats to public health. Data protection law enables the data sharing in the public interest and provides the safeguards for data that the public would expect.

This is how the government takes power – under the guise of the “public’s interest” and our protection.

“Where is this happening – Russia, China, North Korea? Would you believe both Daytona Beach, FL”

Many countries are using this data for various levels of intrusive surveillance. This article from Activist Post details disturbing ways countries are using phone apps to track and monitor compliance of their citizens. These ways include granting travel permission and monitoring compliance with social distancing.

But in its worst applications the app becomes like an electronic anklet on a criminal on probation. Yes, in Taiwan an app is used to ensure you don’t leave your home and non-compliance result in a police visit.

Just as disturbing in Singapore, the apps are used to see with whom you are interacting. The potential for abuse and the loss of freedom is enormous!

But not only are governments using their phones, they are using drones. This article shows how governments are using China-made drones to further monitor social distancing rules.

Where is this happening – Russia, China, North Korea? Would you believe both Daytona Beach, FL and Chula Vista, CA? Not only that, but as I was writing this post, this article came out. The article reveals that a Chinese company with ties to the Chinese government has donated drones to U.S. police. Yes, 43 law enforcement agencies in 22 states have these drones to help ensure social distancing rules. Do you know the China has a law that allows the government to access this data?

Now imagine a time when the antichrist is in power and the alternative to allegiance is death. Picture being monitored by the devices in you home, apps on your phone and drones in the streets. Does in concern you that it is no longer hard to imagine this scenario?

Update Article 5/14/20 – House Republicans open inquiry on this very issue.

Has the Coronavirus Increased the Push for Tracking IDs under the Antichrist

Coronavirus and Antichrist Tracking
Image from Pixabay

I do not believe that the mark of the beast will be a RFID chip or an identification number printed on our skin. Specifically, the mark is the beast’s name or the number of his name according to Revelation. The mark is not a mark of our name or the number of our name.

The mark will signify allegiance to the beast. Because of this, there is no reason to believe you may accidentally accept the mark of the beast. You’re not going to have a chip implanted in your hand for security access only to discover you singed up for eternal damnation.

However, if the antichrist is to control commerce and track allegiance, a tracking system will likely be needed. I saw this article about an initiative endorsed by the Gates Foundation to track who has been vaccinated and who has not. This kind of data is dangerous and should concern us. What can be used for altruistic purposes can also be used for tyranny. Today they are tracking who has the vaccine, tomorrow they could be tracking who has accepted the mark.

Once again, if we accept this tracking, we will give up some portion of our liberty. This leaves the power to be track us available to be taken.

Has the Coronavirus Weakened Some Countries to the Benefit of the Antichrist?

Though Iran is a dominant player in the middle-east, it will not lead the invasion of Israel foretold in Ezekiel 38. In Daniel 8, we specifically see a king from Asia minor breaking the leader of Persia. This pattern may be repeated in the end-times.

We have seen Iran already weakened by sanctions and the killing of Qasem Soleimani. Soleimani was the leader of its independent military group, the IRGC “Quds” Force. (See post Does Soleimani Death Partially Fulfill Daniel 8?) Surely the coronavirus combined with historically low oil prices must be having a debilitating impact on Iran and its economy.

Some of Iran’s top leaders have succumbed to the coronavirus such as this Alatollah. The virus has also impacted its terror network including its arms supplier to Hezbollah, Gen. Hossain Assadollahi of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

Russia also depends heavily on oil for revenue. With the price of oil being decimated, this may limit Russia’s military power in the area.

Both Iran and Russia are propping up Syria’s dictator. These events make me wonder if Iran and Russia are being weakened in preparation for a rising Neo-Ottoman Empire to take dominance over the area.

How the Coronavirus is Bringing Calls for Greater Government

Once again, I differ from experts in how I view the formation of a global government in the end-times. The Bible does not explicitly state that there will be a global government. Many people have inferred that because of the level of control that the antichrist exercises.

However, when the Bible speaks of the consolidation of government it speaks about only ten kings. These kings give their power and authority to the beast. This is hardly a one world government.

What seems more in line with Bible prophecy is the alarming calls from Turkey for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to form a joint army to be able to invade Israel. If you want more details on this, here is the article. The below infographic looks like a recruiting tool for the war of God and Magog (Ezekiel 38).

Provided by MEMRI
Caption States – “Defense Budget: OIC: $174,728,420; Israel: $15,600,000. Population: OIC: 1,674,526,931; Israel: 8,049,314. Soldiers: OIC: 5,206,100; Israel: 160,000”

While not a global government, I do believe many nations will come together in the end-times. The Bible speaks of all the nations gathered against Israel. With COVID-19, we see calls for a global governing body. Though I do not see this global form of government as the beast, I can see this as a consolidation of thinking that could join the beast against Israel.

Here are some of the headlines to this effect:

What Impact The Coronavirus has had on Jerusalem

Coronavirus and Jerusalem
Image from Pixabay

For the first time, the Waqf (Muslim authority) closed the Al-Aqsa Mosque, limiting Muslim visits to the temple mount. According to this article, this is the first recorded closure of the mosque since its construction in 692 CE. While the Jewish rabbis instructed the Jews not to visit the Western Wall, more Jews than ever began to ascend the Temple Mount.

According to this article, Jews are ascending based on the biblical precedent set by King David in stopping a plague. In a unprecedented manner, Jews were able to pray on the Temple Mount without anyone interfering.

Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount was rare until recently. In a 2015 a Jerusalem magistrate court legally mandated Jewish prayer at the site, but permitted the police discretion based on security concerns.

With Jewish prayer returning to the Temple Mount, calls for a third temple may become realistic. Most experts believe a third temple will be on the Temple Mount at the time of the antichrist. Though this is the clearest interpretation, I can see how you could form a different conclusion from scripture.

Is the Coronavirus COVID-19 Part of the End-Times Plan?

When we see so many repercussions from COVID-19, we have to wonder if this is a key sign of the end-times. I have identified some of the possible repercussions that may pave the way for the rise of the beast.

However, on the positive side, this virus may also advance a spiritual awakening across the earth.

In a new poll, 44.3% of Americans both Christian and non-Christian said they believe COVID-19 is a “wake up call for us to turn back to faith in God,” signs of “coming judgment,” or both. Of this total, 29.4% believe the coronavirus and economic meltdown are “signs that we are living in what the Bible calls the ‘last days.’”

The signs are manifesting all around us. Stay alert, keep your eyes open and discern the signs of the times.

For more on this topic, see my post, Plagues of Coronavirus, Locusts and Drought – A Message from God.

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