Did God convey a message in the Capitol building breach? -The connection to a blasphemous prayer three days prior as revealed through symbols, names, and timing

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A Blasphemous Prayer in the Congress

On Sunday, January 3rd, Democratic Missouri representative Emanuel Cleaver recited the opening prayer on the first day of Congress’ 117th session. This act may have seemed normal. After all, Representative Cleaver is a pastor of the United Methodist Church, and it has long been the tradition for a clergy member to open congressional sessions with a prayer to God.

However, Rep. Cleaver took a different approach. He prayed to the Hindu god, Brahma as the creator, equating Brahma to the Judeo/Christian God.

His specific words were, “we ask in the name of the monotheistic god, brahma and god known by many names by many different faiths.

Since as far back as the Continental Congress in 1774, a member of the clergy has appealed through prayer for God’s divine presence in government affairs. Johns Adams said that the first congressional prayer actually changed the spiritual atmosphere in the room. He wrote, “…[the prayer] filled the bosom of every man present… It had an excellent effect upon every body here.”

Just think of what happened in the spiritual atmosphere of Congress when Rep. Cleaver prayed to a false god.

To be clear, Hindu gods are not gods at all. There is one God of one name, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the great I AM, YHWH. Conversely, Hindu is a pagan religion whose multitude of gods display characteristics resembling demons. Brahma is only one of the 33 million Hindu gods.

Significantly, this pastor is not just an invited minister, but a representative of Congress. So in this prayer, as a U.S. representative and acting in his official capacity, Rep. Cleaver inserted pagan beliefs into Christian prayer. This prayer was a blasphemous act made over the House of Representatives by one of its own. And every one of the 430-some representatives in attendance who said “amen” were implicated in the desecration.

Such an act would undoubtedly have consequences to the Congress and to the nation.

Democratic Missouri representative Emanuel Cleaver Invokes pagan god in prayer – Source: YouTube

The Quick Response to the Blasphemous Act

When I first read about this prayer, I was reminded of the abomination of desolation. In general terms, this is a desecration of a sacred place that brings about destruction.

Though the U.S. Capitol building is not a religious temple, its purpose of law-making is sacred to the United States. There is a principle here. The United States was consecrated to God at its inception. To desecrate its chambers with such a proclamation is a violation, a desecration, an abomination. And such an abomination will bring judgment on the place of the desecration.

I wondered how long it may take to see the consequences of such an action.

Just three days after the blasphemous prayer, protestors broke into the Capitol building. They took over the building, even standing at the head of the Senate.

Were these events connected? In researching the details, I found clues in symbols, names, and timing that reveal that this breach contained an important and urgent message from God.

Symbols Connect the Capitol Breach to the Prayer

You’ve probably seen this picture of a man draped with a fur hat with buffalo horns. He was tattooed with pagan symbols such as Thor’s hammer and a Yggdrassil, the world tree in Norse cosmology. This man, Jake Angeli, refers to himself as a “shamanic practitioner and energetic healer.” Yet, based on his Facebook posts, he holds to some Christian beliefs and uses the phrases “God Wins” and “Jesus Amen” frequently in his posts.

Protestor with pagan tattoos stands at the head of the Senate – Source: YouTube

So just as Rep. Cleaver displayed a mixing of Christian and pagan beliefs, this man who breached the Senate’s chambers represented a mixing of these beliefs.

A breach like this has never happened in modern times. Yet only three days after the blasphemous act, a breach occurred. And the man who stood at the head of the Senate floor displayed the same blasphemy that Rep. Cleaver perpetrated.

After seeing this connection, I dug deeper into the participants’ names and was shocked at the message contained in their names.

The Names Reveal a Message in the Breach

Emanuel comes from the Hebrew word, Immanuel, meaning God is with us. It is the name the prophet Isaiah spoke concerning the birth of Jesus. Rep. Cleaver’s first name reminds us that God is present in our governmental affairs.

His last name, Cleaver, means one who cleaves. So the man’s full name means the one who cleaves God with us. It appears that his name contains the message that we have cleaved our involvement with God over our governmental affairs by appealing to false gods. This type of idolatry is one of the most serious violations of God’s law in the Bible, for which He destroyed both Israel and Judah.

Just as interesting is the intruder’s name. His last name is Angeli, which is Italian for little angel. The Hebrew word for angel is commonly meant to be a messenger from God or one sent with a message. So in Mr. Angeli’s name, God is telling us that this intrusion is indeed a message.

His first name, Jake, is from Jacob. Jacob means supplanter, or to take the place of another, as through force, scheming, or strategy. This name’s meaning is illustrated in the Bible, as Jacob schemed to take the birthright from Esau and supplanted Esau to receive his father’s blessing. So in this message, it appears that God is telling us that our country has supplanted God for false gods.

If correct, this is a serious message from God that we cannot ignore.

The Timing of the Breach Conveys Importance and Urgency

The timing between the prayer and the Capitol breach is also significant. It took three days for the response to the desecration to come. In the Bible, three represents completeness, such as in the Trinity. Three is a holy number, and when used in the Bible, it signifies importance.

The three-day response emphasizes the importance of this message.

The three-day response time also shows the urgency of this message. Three days is a short time for God. His judgments can come after several generations. I believe that the shortness of this response relays the urgency in this message.

When I think of three-day events in the Bible, I am particularly reminded of the story of Jonah. God sent Jonah to notify Nineveh of his imminent judgment for their sins. When Jonah tried to escape God’s order to give this message, God sent a whale to swallow and hold him for three days. After three days, he repented, emerged from the whale, and delivered the message.

What God’s Response Means to Us

In considering the details, these events do not appear to be a coincidence, but rather a quick response to the desecration by Rep. Cleaver and an ominous sign of judgment coming upon the U.S.

Will we be like the inhabitants of Ninevah, who repented and were spared by God? Or will we be like the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah and face judgment?

I pray it is the former.

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