On the morning of January 14th, I had a dream of a small box that led to a mystery about an ancient Egyptian monument and its possible impact on modern day America

The Dream of the Small Box

I had just published a post about the connection between a blasphemous prayer made in Congress to a Hindu god and the breach of the Capitol’s walls that occurred three days later. While in prayer in the early morning hours of the 14th, I sought more information from the Holy Spirit about the United States’ protective walls when I started to doze off.

While on the edge of sleep, I heard an old man’s voice and saw a small box in from of me. I saw two hands open the box, and the voice said, “This is deep, way back in February 1881-“

I saw two items in the box. The right hand pulled out the first item, which was a small folded note. The paper was browned with age. I could see the note’s writing, as it was partially unfolded, but could not read it.

The second item was wrapped in paper, also browned with age.

I woke out of the dream. I had not seen the item nor the writing on the paper, but I had the distinct impression that this box had something to do with a key, or rather, this box was a key.

The Results of My Search

When I made it to my computer, I immediately searched events that occurred in February 1881, knowing I would recognize the event if I saw it. I saw several fairly insignificant items on the list until I came to the seventh one, “Cleopatra’s Needle,” a 3,500-year-old Ancient Egyptian obelisk is erected in Central Park, New York.

This gained my attention because I was aware of several models of ancient and idolatrous monuments being reconstructed in New York within the past few years. I was also aware that many people viewed these events as bad omens for the U.S. and signs of impending judgment.

I searched Cleopatra’s Needle and opened the first link to Wikipedia. As I read, I was amazed at the obelisk’s history and troubled by the inscriptions written on its sides. I also found out that a time capsule had been buried beneath the obelisk with several items, including a Bible.

But when I got to the last sentence of the post, I was shocked, and knew I had found the right event.

The last sentence read, “A small box was also placed in the capsule by the man who arranged the Obelisk’s purchase and transportation, but its contents remain unknown.”

I will soon publish a post about this obelisk, which is possibly the first idol of its kind erected on U.S. soil, and its implications to the modern day United States.