Sharing a word concerning a coming crisis

Back in August (around 20th-25th), on two nights I heard phrases while spending time with the Holy Spirit that I have been hesitant to share. They came to me when I dozed off, which clouds my perspective as to whether these were words from God or just my imagination. In the past, words like these have proven accurate, but I want to make it clear that I don’t know if this word is good.

I also can’t say whether this phrase is for me personally, for my employer, for my country, or for the world. With that said, I decided to share these because they may be meaningful to you. Maybe some of you are hearing similar things.

A Time of Crisis

In the early morning hours, I had dozed off while spending time in the spirit and awoke to the words, “December 6 – crisis.” That was it. For almost three months, I have contemplated these words and whether to share them.

A Deadline

A day or two later, a similar occurrence happened, but this time I was overhearing a conversation. At that moment, I knew what the conversation was about, but as I awoke, the topic of the conversation escaped me and all I heard was “you have seven months.” This would come to sometime in the middle/end of March if this was based on the August date or early June if based on the December 6th date. I have no idea how to put this in reference. Was this phrase significant? And if so, is it significant to me personally, or to a greater audience? I inherently knew it had to do with a crisis, but that was all I knew.

Like I wrote above, maybe this will be meaningful to someone else, so I decided to share it.

Visions of Crisis

Since that time I have seen some visions that seem to warn of a coming crisis. I previously wrote about a vision I had concerning regions of the world at a time when a great red dragon rises. In that vision, when I looked at the U.S., I saw what looked like ancient crumbled ruins made of grey stones. Lately, I have seen similar ruins but with the stones just beginning to crumble.

Other visions have contained dark windy oceans, volcanoes, and submarines in the water. All of these visions lead me to believe that either I or we are heading into a time of crisis.

While I wouldn’t suggest that anyone put much stock into these words and visions, I felt like I should share them.