The turmoil following the Roe v. Wade decision has revealed the true identity of the spirit behind abortion.

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The Division over Abortion

Regardless of your opinion on abortion, I ask you to keep reading. In my last post, I mistakenly assumed virtually all Christians were against abortion. But in the church service, after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, I noticed something. After the pastor mentioned the Supreme Court’s decision, most of the congregation clapped enthusiastically – but not all. I was surprised that only about two-thirds of the church members were clapping. The rest looked ahead, quiet and still.

But while the division inside the church was peaceful, the division outside the church was aggressive. While pro-lifers rejoiced, many people and newscasters looked like civilization had collapsed, others raged, and some spread fear and deception.

But behind these scenes playing out in the streets was a war of the spirits. And through the protests, news stories, and interviews, the spirit behind abortion was unmasked, and its true identity was revealed.

The Abortion Exchange

Despite being used as a major defense for abortion, health (both mental & physical), birth defects, rape, and incest account for only a small percentage of abortions. This survey covering 2.4M abortions shows only 3.5% were for these hard cases. This means that 95.5% of all abortions were performed for lifestyle choices, social or economic.

This exchange of an unborn baby’s life for a better life for the parents was touted by a number of fathers interviewed by the Today Show on Fathers’ Day. Here are some of their comments, which were typical of most:

  1. If we had not been able to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, we wouldn’t be happily married with a 5-year-old. It would have taken both of our lives in completely different directions.
  2. But I was very lucky. The abortion gave me the time and space to get myself regulated. And it allowed us to take the time we needed to heal our relationship and our family. Since then, we’ve added another member to our family. Now, we can parent the children we have with the focus and clarity they deserve.
  3. My wife’s abortion before we met was a choice that allowed us to build a life together, by design rather than default. We are healthy parents to our children because of that abortion.

It is clear from these fathers’ responses that they exchanged their would-be firstborn child for the stability they felt they needed and felt blessed by the experience.

Could there be a connection between these prudent modern parents and the men and women of ancient Israel?

A Sacrifice for Blessings

In the Bible, the Israelite’s pagan neighbors engaged in rituals believed to secure the blessings of gods. One such god worshipped by the Ammonites was Molech. To appease the pagan god Molech, sacrifices were offered in fire.

According to the Midrash (a collection of Jewish teachings on the Torah), people offered various sacrifices to a fiery Molech idol to gain favor from the pagan god to lead a more favorable life. People offered anything from birds to oxen, but the most honored sacrifices were children, particularly firstborn.

I’m sure this was not easy for the parents, but they did what they thought was best, placing their child’s fate into the hands of a pagan priest. In a horrifying ritual, the pagan priests banged drums to overtake the child’s cries as they were burned alive.

Three thousand years later, the world doesn’t generally believe in these pagan gods, but the trade-off is the same. That is, the killing/sacrifice of an unborn child for a blessed life. Like the ancient Israelites, the woman places her child’s fate into the hands of an abortion clinician. In the warm, comfortable, umbilical fluid, the cries of the unborn child are silenced as he or she is brutally dismembered.

The sentiments of the fathers I quoted above are not so different than those of the ancient Israelites and pagans. The act is, at its core, the same, and the spirits behind it have not changed. Those spirits craved the blood of those children then, and they still crave it today.

But there are even stronger connections between abortion and the fallen world.

A Spirit of Darkness Hangs over Protestors

When seeing pictures of pro-life and pro-choice activists, the contrast was stark.

When I looked at the pro-life activists, I saw messages of life. Protect life, defend life, life counts, and abortion kills children. These are positive messages, even Biblical messages. The pro-choice protesters are also almost always peaceful.

This is a spirit of light.

I saw something very different among the pro-choice activists. Their slogans primarily centered on control of one’s own body. Some slogans that stood out were my body my f_____g life, mind your own uterus, keep your laws off my drawers, and keep your rosaries off my ovaries.

These slogans are about control, ignoring the life of the child inside. One slogan even vilified the unborn child, stating parasites don’t have life.

What also stood out was the vulgarity that seemed inherent among pro-choice protestors. Many slogans used curse words, signs contained vulgar images, even blood, and protesters sometimes covered their clothes in red paint representing blood. Recently, pro-choice protesters spit on pro-life protestors, wrestled them, and verbally abused them. The pictures of their faces captured the rage inside of them.

This is a spirit of darkness. But what spirit is this?

The answer came from a shocking headline, Satanists Sue for Religious Right to Ritual Abortions.

Satanic Temple Echoes Protestor Slogans

Yes, the Satanic Temple of Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston filed a lawsuit against the State of Texas, claiming state abortion regulations violated their religious liberty and the temple’s religious teachings. What are these teachings?

According to the article, the Satanic third tenet reads, “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.”

Does this sound familiar? Is this not the same message covering the picket signs of every pro-abortion activist?

This is a Satanic message. It places one’s own will above the will of God and over the life of the unborn child. And this same message is on the tongue of every pro-abortion protester. And the woman receiving the abortion states this tenet out loud at the start of the abortion ritual.

So why does abortion matter to the Satanic Temple?

The Significance of Blood and Covenant

While this may seem like a mystery to us, the shedding of blood in sacrifice has power in a covenant. We see this when God first made a covenant with Abram. Abram sealed the covenant with God by sacrificing animals, and God accepted this sacrifice by consuming it in fire.

The connection between blood and covenant is mentioned in many scriptures and we see it explicitly first in Exodus 24:5-8 when Moses sprinkled the blood of the sacrifice onto the people to secure the covenant. Jesus revealed Himself as the ultimate sacrifice, giving His blood under a New Covenant in Matthew 26:27-28. The author of Hebrews expounded on this connection further in Hebrews 9:18-28.

Even in the covenant of marriage, after consummating the marriage, the blood on the bed sheets was shown as evidence that the covenant had been sealed.

The dark world copies the light. Disembodied demons crave the flesh, including the shedding of blood. And spirits like Molech are now under Satan’s rule as he is now the god of this age. People who associate with demons use blood to enter into magic spell contracts, place curses on others, or gain evil blessings from higher-ranked demons. To witches and practitioners of magic, blood is a strong currency for a Satanic contract.

Now I am not suggesting that most women seeking abortions are seeking out Satanic contracts. However, most of them likely don’t comprehend the spiritual forces influencing them. These spirits tempt them to trade their unborn child for blessings such as autonomy, freedom from parenthood, sexual freedom, or the avoidance of financial burdens.

However, by this act, they are in covenant with darkness. There is no light in abortion.

But there is one more aspect of the Satanic abortion ritual that astounded me.

The Dark Covenant

God provided for blood sacrifices to allow the Jews a way to atone for their sins. One of the most important times of sacrifice for the Jews was Passover. During this feast, they sacrificed lambs, shedding their blood to atone for their sins. When the priest had completed the sacrifice, he would announce, “it is finished.”

Jesus the lamb of God, was also slain on Passover, His blood atoning for the sins of all who believe. When He gave up His spirit on the cross, He said, “it is finished,” echoing the statement of the Jewish priests sacrificing the lambs at the same hour.

The article about the Satanic Temple describes the last words the woman recites in the ritual after her unborn baby has been killed. “By my body, my blood. By my will, it is done.

Just as Jesus’ sacrifice saves us, Satan uses God’s words to damn the aborting woman by her sacrifice.

We believers are saved by Jesus by giving up control of our own life and giving it to Him. In this act, we participate in sacrifice of His body that was broken for us (Isaiah 53:5), and by His blood that was shed for us (1 Peter 1:18-19), and by His will to take the penalty of sin, it was finished (John 19:30).

So if we are saved by His sacrifice, what happens to the women who participate in the blood of their unborn child?

The Curse of Shedding Innocent Blood

The Bible says a lot about the shedding of innocent blood. Shedding innocent blood brings a curse the Bible refers to as bloodguiltiness. This is first mentioned in Deuteronomy 19. “So innocent blood will not be shed in the midst of your land which the Lord your God gives you as an inheritance, and bloodguiltiness be on you.”

Jeremiah implies widespread consequences for shedding his innocent blood. “Only know for certain that if you put me to death, you will bring innocent blood on yourselves, and on this city and on its inhabitants.

Even gentiles such as Pontius Pilate and the Ninevites understood this, not wanting to take innocent blood upon themselves.

And Psalm 106 specifically describes the demonic connection of the sacrifices of children, “They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons, And shed innocent blood, The blood of their sons and their daughters, Whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; And the land was polluted with the blood.

Our country is covered in innocent blood. According to Psalm 106, for Israel, the consequence was that God handed them over to their enemies. What will be the consequence to our countries that are covered by bloodguilt?

And what are the consequences for women who have an abortion?

The Price of Abortion

To the individual woman, the consequences of abortion are steep. She will carry bloodguiltiness with her (as will a consenting partner). Shedding innocent blood carries a curse, and that blood cries out for justice. We see this in Revelation 6 as the martyrs cry out to avenge their blood.

Just imagine how it affects a woman when innocent blood is crying out from her very womb. Fortunately, the blood of Jesus will appease this cry. Through the blood of Jesus, she will be forgiven, absolved from the bloodguilt, and set free from its curse.

But to do so, she must do the opposite of the stated slogans of the abortion activists. She must surrender control and submit their will to Jesus. And He will heal her.

Will Roe vs. Wade Spark the End-Times Persecution of the Church?

Roe vs. Wade – Today’s Battle and the Coming Rapture

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