With the spread of the first pandemic of the 21st century, some believe the coronavirus is a warning from God, even judgment. Could the sins of the nations have brought the hand of God against us?

Pointing Fingers at the Nations

I have seen a number of articles blaming the coronavirus on the sins of the nations thus bringing the judgment of God. Here is a sampling of a few of the articles I’ve found:

Does God have a Hand in Causing Pestilence?

Could God have a hand in the global spread of the coronavirus that has shaken almost every aspect of our world? To answer that let’s look to scripture.

In recent days I’ve heard many people mention 2 Chronicles 7:14 as a solution. “…and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 

This is a great scripture for this situation. And I believe that whatever the cause, if the world repents of its sins and seeks God that He will heal us. However, I haven’t heard many people quote the immediately proceeding sentence in verse 13. “If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people,”

So it is possible that God would send the coronavirus against us as a warning about our disobedience. In fact, God sent pestilence to Israel for David’s disobedience in 1 Chronicles 21. Is this what is happening?

Only God could have created viruses, and if He created them, He did so for His purpose.

First, let me make this clear that I do not know if this pandemic is from God. However, we cannot dismiss His hand in this pandemic based on scripture.

If you dismiss this possibility then let me ask you who created viruses? Viruses are a form of life, and certainly, Satan cannot create life. Only God could have created viruses, and if He created them, He did so for His purpose.

Furthermore, if God has a hand in it, it is unclear whether God would spread a disease Himself or simply permit it to happen. I cannot answer this. In either case, I believe this pandemic is a warning – one of those described in Matthew 24 and Revelation 6.

Judgement & Wrath vs. Signs & Warnings

To understand the scriptural basis for my position, read in my post, Six Seals are Revealed in the Olivet Discourse. In this post you will see why I believe that we are in the period of the signs given by Jesus in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21). Also, you will see evidence that these signs are the same as the sealed scrolls of Revelation 6.

However, you will also understand why these signs are warnings, not the result of judgment, which is God’s wrath. As in the story of David in 1 Chronicles 21 mentioned above, these warnings are intended to bring us back to God. This is exactly the purpose of the words given in 2 Chronicles 13-14.

God is telling us that if He spreads locusts and pestilence through our land, it is to bring about repentance. (Note that at the same time coronavirus is in the world, massive locust swarms are devouring crops in Africa.) This scripture does not portray a wrathful God seeking revenge, but a loving God seeking for His people to return.

There will be a time for God’s wrath, but it is not yet come (see Revelation 8 and 16 to see what wrath looks like).

Coronavirus Could be a Warning for Disobedience

If the coronavirus is a warning from God we would expect the first and the largest impacts in areas of disobedience.

I am not alone in noticing that China, Iran, and Italy were the first countries that the coronavirus hit hard. China has ramped up the persecution of Christians greatly, tearing down churches, arresting pastors, and even writing a new version of the Bible more supportive of the communist party.

Next is Iran, which has sown terror into the world and has explicitly stated its intent to destroy Israel and “liberate” Jerusalem.

And lastly, the Pope in Italy has embraced other religions and their worship of other gods making statements that sound more like statements from a false prophet than a Pope.

Is the Coronavirus a Warning to U.S. States?

But what about the U.S.? Are we seeing the same correlation here on a national level? Look at the numbers as of March, 28th per CNN. These results are adjusted to the number of cases per 100,000 people to adjust for population differences.

…per 100KDeaths
New York52,318269728
New Jersey11,124125140

All of these states in the top 5 have been in the news a lot over the past couple of years for issues that I believe are against God’s agenda for the U.S.

The one that really stands out is New York and neighboring New Jersey. Out of 100,000 people, New York has 52.3% of the cases and 63.4% if you include New Jersey. Now New York is the largest city by population, but that doesn’t explain this difference.

But what I can point to is that New York passed an aggressive late-term pro-abortion law in 2019. This law doesn’t even allow doctors to save a child that survived the abortion procedure. Could the large coronavirus impact be a warning to New York?

What about Michigan, California, and Washington? These states have also been in news for any combination of issues including pro-abortion (CA, WA), state representation against Israel (MI), and all-out rebellion against President Trump’s policies (CA, WA). In addition, California’s negative impact on the country’s culture through movies and pornography cannot be overstated.

Could the coronavirus be a warning to these states to allow them time to change their ways? Could this be discipline to correct their disobedience? Yes, it is very possible.

Blessings as a Result of the Coronavirus

However, on the flip side, I have noticed blessings that have come from the coronavirus and our attempts to mitigate it.

  • Families have beeb brought together as parents are working from home and children are schooling from home. (I have definitely experienced this blessing.)
  • Churches have experienced significant increases in the viewers of their online services as compared to combined physical and online attendance before the coronavirus. (A five-fold increase at my church)
  • Abortions have been paused. Perhaps expectant mothers will use this time to examine their hearts and chose life for their baby.
  • Pollution has decreased significantly in major cities throughout the world.
  • Social distancing and “stay at home” ordinances have saved lives. Though I haven’t seen the stats, it is logical that with significant decreases in traffic, that traffic deaths have decreased. In 2019 38,800 people died from car accidents in the U.S.; an average of 746 per week. Also, as a result of isolation, fewer people are likely dying from the seasonal flu. Last year’s flu season killed 34,200 people in the U.S.
  • In just the past couple years, advances in cloud computing, online schooling and food delivery services have allowed us to whether this storm in ways we never could have five or ten years ago. Many parents can work seamlessly from home, children can attend school online, and delivery services can provide groceries, restaurant food, and any imaginable item to our door. I believe God has inspired these technological advances. If you doubt that statement, consider that Google’s algorithm came to its founder in a dream.

The Unexpected Beneficiaries

Think about this. Attacks on the traditional family, Christian beliefs, churches, and unborn children, have surged in recent years. However, these victims have been the primary beneficiaries during this crisis. Isn’t relief for the victim a typical part of disciplining the offender? Even if you deny that His hand is providing the discipline, certainly you can see His hand in the blessings.

Why the Coronavirus is One of Many Warnings

One thing is for sure – plagues are one of the signs that will manifest in the leading up to Christ’s return.

  • Luke 21:11 – and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.
  • Revelation 6:8 – …They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.

Is the coronavirus one of the signs leading up to the Great Tribulation? If this pandemic is an isolated event, I would say no. However, every other sign mentioned in Matthew 24 has manifested on the earth. And not only that, but these signs continue to increase in frequency and intensity. See my post, Prophetic Signs Appearing Daily for more on this topic.

So the best thing we can all do is to use this time to repent, humble ourselves and seek God and His son Jesus Christ in our lives. For more on the coronavirus and other plagues already manifesting see my post Plagues of Coronavirus, Locusts and Drought – A Message from God?. For what may come next see my post Coronavirus is Peaking, Famine is Here, What Comes Next?

Update: New Poll Reveals 44% of Americans See COVID-19 As Divine Wake-Up Call and 29% as Evidence We are Living in the Last Days

This article was published on April 3rd by Breaking Israel News. This is very interesting – even 25% of secular respondents responded “yes” to both of these questions.

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