While end-times prophecy can seem disparate and confusing, by aligning multiple prophecies, one story emerges, giving us a roadmap for navigating the times that lie ahead.

The Confusion in Reading End-Times Prophecy

Are you confused by the Book of Revelation? I sure was when I first tried to read it. For instance, the symbolism was cryptic, it seemed to jump around from topic to topic and the timeline seemed scattered. I thought reading other prophetic scriptures like Daniel or Ezekiel would help give me some background, but boy was I wrong. These scriptures just added pieces to what felt like a jigsaw puzzle scattered across a table.

I decided to look to experts and read about theories such as pre-tribulation, post-tribulation, the return of Rome, blood moons and even alien deceptions! I left that mess of opinions with nothing but scattered thoughts, not knowing what to believe. It seemed the only things that experts seemed to agree on what that Jesus is returning.

Creating an End-Times Prophecy Roadmap

Linking Prophecy for End-Times Roadmap
Example comparing Daniel 8, Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38 and Revelation 19 in reference to the “small horn”

So I decided to find clarity analytically by aligning like phrase and concepts across scripture. Much like a mystery movie where a sleuth covers a wall with clues and connects the clues with strings, I did the same thing with spreadsheets. There were plenty of unknowns left, but some clear alignments started to come into place.

For example, the signs in Matthew 24 seemed to align with the seals in Revelation 6. The abomination of desolation in several places in Daniel was also mentioned in a timeline in Matthew. Also the beasts of Revelation matched well with the beasts of Daniel.

Testing the End-Times the Roadmap

To test my theories, I set some rules. The first one, was to confirm each truth by the words of two or three witnesses (Deuteronomy 19:15 and others). Next, I only except an assertion as true if no other scripture contradicts it. Scripture is inerrant, so if a theory works for some scripture and not for others the theory must change. Many researchers are guilty of twisting scripture to meet their theory.

After much research I had a basic timeline. I checked it against many end-times interpretations and occasionally I found something that helped me refine my timeline. However, despite much overlap, my timeline did not match up with other theories.

The unifying solution was still something elusive that I could not grasp. Every new solution brought new conflicts. As many of you may have discovered, it is maddening!

The closest timeline I found is under a theory known as the pre-wrath theory. Joel Richardson, who I consider one of the most diligent and scripturally accurate end-times researchers subscribes to this theory. Yet, there are still conflicts with scripture and pre-wrath largely surrounding promises Jesus makes in the letters to the churches.

However, with just a few tweaks I was able to compile a timeline that I believe is free of all scriptural conflicts. I’ll admit that I am still not sure how Daniel 8:14 fits regarding the 2,300 evenings and mornings. I am still working through that one. I don’t believe it presents any conflicts, I am just not sure how it fits in any timeline.

Here is the resulting timeline. This is not going to look revolutionary, but there are subtle differences that allow the timeline to align with the scriptures in Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Ezekiel, Zechariah and Revelation.

The End-Times Roadmap

Structure of the End-Times Roadmap

In the above diagram of the roadmap, the titles along the top are key events that mark the separation of different periods. I’m not going to go into detail in this post, but will elaborate in future posts with the specific scriptures that support each key date/period.

For now, I will provide some key takeaways to learn from this roadmap:

The Beast in the Middle-East will Rise

  • We have seen the start of the birth pangs also shown in the unsealing of the scrolls in Revelation 6. (see post Six Seals Revealed in the Olivet Discourse and Prophetic Signs Appearing Daily)
  • We will see a power arise in the middle-east promising peace and security as justification for taking territory. I believe this will be centered in Turkey under a new Neo-Ottoman Empire.
  • Other middle-east powers will join this power (Iran, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Libya…).
  • Still, other powers will resist (Saudi Arabia, Egypt)

Signs from the Opening of the First 3 to 5 Sealed Scrolls will Continue

  • Anti-biblical doctrine embraced by churches
  • Historical weather events
  • Earthquakes increasing in number and intensity (and related volcanic activity)
  • Pestilence (disease)
  • Famines (caused by droughts, locusts, pestilence)
  • War

Societal Trends will Increase

  • Personal liberties will decrease
  • Group think and conformity will grow in favor of unrighteousness
  • Dissenting ideas will not be tolerated
  • Technology will remove privacy in favor of government control in the name of security

There is Good News

Thankfully, there is good news in these times.

  • God will pour out His Spirit in these last days
  • True believers will be saved from the hour of testing (raptured)
  • The opportunity for evangelism will be greater than ever before as people seek God

What to Do Now – Navigating the End-Times Roadmap

Whether you understand or agree with this roadmap, there are things you can do right now to prepare for the times ahead.

  • Continually increase your relationship with God – spend personal time in worship and prayer
  • Repent of any sins and transgressions
  • Learn from others – read books about God, heaven and the gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • Seek your God-given purpose
  • Support Israel – The world will continue to turn against Israel and God blesses those who bless Israel
  • Be generous and give to those you can help
  • Make your character like Jesus’ – be loving, compassionate, humble, faithful, empathetic, generous, peaceful and joyful

These last items are the true roadmap for the end-times. Dark times are rising, but we can walk in the light and be an example to those who need light in their time of darkness.

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