How the Antichrist will fool the world using Biblical prophecy to deceive Christians, Jews, Muslims, and atheists.

READ TIME: 7-8 Minutes

We Can All Miss Prophecy

Our adversary has been conniving since the beginning. In just one conversation with Eve, the world’s first con man threw humanity off of God’s plan.

Still today, he consistently deceives the world, even believers, separating us from our destiny. And for millennia, he has been planning a global con for the end of this age.

Many of us want to avoid being conned, and so we seek the mysteries of Biblical prophecy to understand what’s coming. But the enemy, the great deceiver, knows the same prophecies. So, in the great end-times con game, will he not use our reliance on prophecy against us?

Consider the Pharisees of Jesus’ time. They had memorized all of the Messianic prophecies. Yet, they narrowed their views of the coming Messiah to a one-dimensional expectation. In doing so, they missed the duality of Christ, the suffering servant, and the king. So could we fall into the same trap?

I recently listened to a podcast interview with a woman who grew up in a Luciferian matriarchy under a global system. She was privy to some of the plans of Satan, his fallen angel lieutenants, and the antichrist. Though saved at a young age, God allowed her to grow up in this satanic system to gain insight into its workings.

There was something she said that stuck with me. That is that the deception will be so strong that even once the Antichrist is revealed, Christians and Jews will not believe he is the Antichrist. They will even question their own understanding of the Bible to accommodate the presence of this leader.

All of us have expectations of what the Antichrist will be like. Like any con man, Satan will use this against us. So how do we avoid the trap?

Antichrist Prophecy: The False Christ

Jesus informed us that many will come claiming to be Christ. The Greek word for Antichrist not only means one who is opposed to Christ but one who is acting in place of Christ. And he will convince many that he is Christ.

Now, would any of you be deceived if Klaus Schwab, the elite globalist head of the World Economic Forum, announced himself as Christ? Absolutely not.

But what about a man who fulfills the prophecies about the Messiah, including those that Jesus left unfulfilled during His first incarnation on earth? …A man who appears to be Christ, championing peace and performing miracles? …A man whom Christians, Jews, and even Muslims adore. This will be a man who people will give their lives to, blindly follow, and even die for.

How will Satan pull this off? I believe this answer was hidden in an Old Testament paradigm and revealed in Revelation, yet still misunderstood. This is the paradigm of a king and a prophet.

Just as the Pharisees saw the Messiah through one dimension of His purpose, most people think of the Antichrist one-dimensionally. So the key to Satan’s con game may lie in the mystery of the two beasts.

The Mystery of the Two Beasts

The Beast - Antichrist Prophecy

For a more substantial explanation of this topic, read my two-part series entitled The Anti-Apocolypse.

Antichrist Prophecy: The Beast

For years I have tried to understand the multifaceted nature of the Antichrist figure. One key to understanding this mystery is to know that the beasts are much more than men. They are empires ruled in the heavens by fallen angels and governed by men. The angels, called princes or principalities, control the actions of the men; kings who rule on the earth.

Throughout biblical prophecy, the great future adversary of the Jews is said to be one person. In the Old Testament, he is best described as a conqueror and destroyer. This theme continues into the New Testament, and Paul refers to him as the Man of Lawlessness and the Son of Destruction. And the fallen prince who I suspect will lead the beast, is called Apollyon and Abaddon, meaning destruction in Greek and Hebrew, respectively. He is openly hostile to the Jews.

This conqueror will come from the north and will likely be Muslim. Per Daniel 11, he will be passionately opposed to Israel and possibly to a covenant to which Israel is a party. He will unite parts of the Muslim world to attack Israel, and many Muslims will see him as the Islamic messiah, the Mahdi. Many Christians will see him as the Antichrist and many Jews will see him as Gog.

But this man will be far from Christ-like; boisterous, blasphemous, and boldly treacherous, as Daniel 7, 8, and 9 and Revelation 13 describe him. He would have a hard time convincing Christians and Jews that he is the Christ.

This is where the second beast comes into play.

Antichrist Prophecy: The False Prophet

We learn in Revelation of this second beast, the False Prophet, who fills a role necessary to sell the con. He will be far more deceptive. He is primarily a deceiver and will convince the world he is Christ. By using both beasts, Satan can create a much more convincing delusion than one beast could accomplish alone.

Imagine that you own two opposing sports teams, and they are playing against one another. Could you not script out the game? As long as the players operate within the rules, the spectators would be none the wiser that something was afoul.

Like the rules of the sport, Biblical prophecy sets guardrails that Satan knows will come to pass. But within these guardrails, he can script the events in a way to lead us spectators to believe the delusion.

Could we end up like the first-century Jews who saw Jesus but missed His coming?

The Rise of the False Prophet

The False Prophet will appear to be Christ – Revelation 13 states that he will look like a lamb. To be convincing, Satan will have set the stage even before his birth to fulfill prophecies about the Messiah. These will include prophecies about his birth, upbringing, and lineage.

He will likely be educated in both the Bible and the Quran so as to be able to speak to Islamic scriptures that are similar to Biblical ones. He will convince the Jews, Christians, and Muslims that he is the Jewish Messiah, the Christian Christ, or the Muslim al-Masīḥ, all of which mean the anointed one.

Deceiving the Jews

To the Jews, he will not only fulfill prophecies Jesus already fulfilled, but he will also fulfill prophecies the Jews expected Him to fulfill at His coming. He will come across to them as a protector and savior of Israel. He may even play a significant role in building a third temple. In doing so, he will convince the Jews that he is the Messiah they have been awaiting for millennia.

Deceiving the Christians

To the Christians, he will appear to be Christ. In these days of growing apostasy, most Christians do not hold to a Biblical worldview. They do not understand the workings of Satan, fallen angels, and demons because they do not treat the word of God as absolute truth. Christians in this camp place science over God’s word and weave modern theories into their theology.

But by dismissing the Garden of Eden, the giants, and the flood as mere allegories, they lack the understanding to comprehend the events of the end of this age. Even many pastors do not fully understand prophecy. They treat it as just allegory or do not teach it to their congregations to avoid controversy. So when a Messiah arises who meets their modern view of Jesus, they will embrace him.

Deceiving the Muslims

Muslims will fall for this deception as well. They will embrace the first Beast as their Mahdi, but their eschatology has a role for Jesus as well. Muslims expect the same signs of the Messiah as Jews and Christians. The Quran describes Jesus as the Messiah. It states He was born of a virgin, performed miracles, and was accompanied by disciples. However, Muslims believe He did not die on the cross and will return in the end times to correct doctrine about who he is and join the Muslims in the defeat of their beast (Al-Dajjāl).

The nations will favor him. He will bridge the gaps in the three monotheistic religions, and because of this and his lineage, the secular globalists will also hail him. And by performing signs and wonders, he will convince the world that he is from God. And the world will adore him.

In doing so, he will be positioned to bring the beast to power.

The Deception of the Beasts

Cons work best when more than one person is involved.

I remember when I was in High School, and we took a field trip to New York City. I saw a man on the sidewalk with a table unfolded in front of him. He was running a shell game with a man standing before him with a fist full of twenty dollar bills. The man running the game placed a ball under one of three cups and then moved them around on the table. Sometimes the player would guess which cup the ball was under and win the money, and sometimes he would lose. But to a bystander like me, it seemed easy. Every time the man picked the wrong cup, I knew which was the right cup. This player was part of the con, and his job was to rope people in by building confidence that they could win the game.

A parent chaperone for our trip was the first to fall for the trap. The man behind the table moved the cups around, and the choice was obvious. It was the middle cup – this would be a sure win for the chaperone. But when the chaperone took his eyes off the cup to get the $20 bill from his wallet, I noticed the man running the table stealthily switching the cups. I saw it clearly, but the chaperone missed this move and picked the middle cup, only to find it empty. Now knowing the trick, I was determined to win.

I held a $20 bill in my hand, and when the con man was finished moving the cups, I kept my eye on the cup as I handed him the $20. The fistful of $20’s in his hand were surely mine. But I was not in control. The con man noticed my unwavering stare at the cups and changed the rules. He said, “one more $20, and you can have it all!

So full of confidence, greed, and adrenaline I broke my own strategy. I took my eyes off the cup for a brief moment to pull another twenty from my wallet and was deflated as he revealed the cup I picked to be empty. I was out $40, which was a lot for a teenager who only made a few dollars an hour.

So what can we learn from this con?

The Antichrist’s Con in Prophecy

Daniel 11 gives us a clue that the Beast will rise through intrigue/deceit. Like the con man in my example, he will use an accomplice to gain confidence and rope people into the Beast’s trap.

As prophesied, the Beast will crave war and will appear to be unbeatable. To gain this reputation, he will need to defeat a powerful enemy, perhaps even an existential threat. But any such defeat will be part of the delusion. Satan will control both sides and use the threat as a mechanism to bring the Beast to power. Fooled by the rigged battle, people will marvel at it and even worship the Beast because of its power and because it will be a resurrected kingdom.

So the public will rally behind the Beast.

But not all will give full allegiance to the Beast so easily. The religious ones answer to a higher power. And this is why the False Prophet is critical to the con.

The False Prophet will have gained the confidence of Jews, Christians, Muslims, and other religions through the fulfillment of prophecy and signs and wonders. So at some point, the paths of the Beast and the False Prophet will converge, and the False Prophet will confirm the God-given authority of the Beast.

Despite their misgivings about the alliance, the False Prophet’s followers will blindly follow him in this alliance. And when the Antichrist sits on the throne of God, portraying himself to be God, many will people will fall in line, believing with all their hearts that the man they follow is from God. Having a weak understanding of scripture, they will accept him and his mark. By the time they see him for his wickedness, it will be too late.

How Not to be Deceived by the AntiChrist’s Twist of Prophecy

The entities and people behind the Beast and False Prophet may very well be on the earth today. We are nearing the last jubilee of the 2,000-year age of grace. We could start seeing early activity from the leader of the Beast and the False Prophet very soon.

If there is anything to take away from this post is that the deception will not be as straightforward and easily spotted as we think. Most people in this world are already deceived and will certainly fall for the False Prophet’s deception. Christians who are not rooted in an understanding of Biblical prophecy and filled with the Holy Spirit’s discernment will be among those deceived.

Acts 17 tells of how the people of Berea received Paul and Silas’ words eagerly, but they examined the scriptures to verify what they were told, and only then did they believe. We must take the same approach at the end of this age so we do not fall into Satan’s grand con.

And while we remain vigilant about these things, we must keep our eyes on Jesus. He is returning soon, and He will crush the evil that is plaguing our world.

Coming Soon: the podcast of this post at

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